How Do I Clean And Care For My Braces?

Getting braces is a big step towards a beautiful smile, and taking good care of them is key. At Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics, we’re excited to support you every step of the way. We’ll show you some easy but powerful ways to keep your braces clean. Let’s look into some ways to help you clean and care for your braces like a pro!

Essentials of Brushing

We’ve been brushing our teeth since we were kids, or at least we should’ve been. But with braces, the game has changed! Brushing is the cornerstone of braces care, and while it may seem a little challenging, we’ve made it easy.


First, we recommend adopting a thorough yet gentle brushing routine. Start by selecting a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, as these are kind on braces and tough on plaque. 


Aim to brush after almost every meal to prevent food particles from getting trapped in your braces. Cover all surfaces using a circular motion. This means brushing above and below the brackets, along the gum line, and the back sides of your teeth. 

Brush for a total of two minutes, focusing on the different sides of your teeth for about 30 seconds. Don’t forget to brush the wires of your braces, as lingering food particles can hide all over. Consistency is key, so make sure brushing your teeth becomes a part of your daily routine for effective braces care. 

Routine Orthodontic Visits

Coming to see us at Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics for your regular orthodontic check-ups plays a pivotal part in your braces care. These check-ups aren’t just for adjusting your braces; they’re important for monitoring your progress and keeping your treatment on track.

During these visits, Dr. Hamer, Dr. Glassick, and the team will check the alignment of your teeth, adjust wires, and replace any worn-out bands. It’s also a great time to ask questions about any concerns or discomforts you may be having.

Regular check-ups help us spot potential issues early, allowing us to intervene quickly. These appointments are super important in helping you achieve the best treatment results.

The Dynamic Duo

Flossing and using mouthwash are just as important when it comes to braces care as they are before orthodontic treatment. Remember those lingering food particles we mentioned? Flossing and mouthwash are extra barriers against hidden food particles and plaque from building up between your teeth and braces. 

Flossing With Braces

At Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics, we recommend a floss threader or orthodontic floss to navigate around the wires easily. Gently slide the floss between each set of teeth and along the gumline, carefully avoiding pulling with too much force on the wires. 

Magic With Mouthwash 

Mouthwash, especially with fluoride, is a great follow-up to brushing and flossing. It helps reach any areas your brushing and flossing might have missed, providing an extra layer of cleanliness and protection! Swish the mouthwash for about 30 seconds to make sure everything gets covered, then spit it out.

Now that you know how to properly brush, floss, and rinse with braces, you now have the foundation of braces care. These three will keep your braces and your teeth in tip-top shape as long as you stay consistent. But there are a few more tools and tricks that can help you keep your smile journey on track.

Clean And Care For My Braces?

Water Flossers: Next-Level Hygiene

If you really want to take your braces care game to the next level, add a water flosser into your routine. It offers a special way to clean around your braces using, you guessed it, a stream of water to knock out food particles that brushing and flossing might have missed. 

A water flosser helps to clean those hard-to-reach areas. When using the flosser, aim the stream of water as you would regularly floss. So, make sure to aim along the gums, between your teeth, and around the brackets and wires of your braces. This extra step ensures not only a deeper clean but also a refreshing feeling after use.

While a water flosser is a great addition to your braces care arsenal, it doesn’t replace the need for regular brushing and flossing.

Managing Mishaps

At Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics, we understand that accidents can happen, which is why we’re here to help guide you through them. If you’re experiencing discomfort, start by rinsing your mouth with warm salt water or use orthodontic wax to provide relief. 

In the case of a loose bracket or wire, don’t panic! Cover any protruding parts with orthodontic wax and contact us to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Avoid DIY fixes, as they can lead to further problems.

To avoid any accidents, regularly check your braces for any signs of wear or damage to catch issues early. Dealing with small concerns quickly makes sure they don’t turn into major problems, keeping your dream smile on track.

Diet Tips For Braces

While brushing and flossing after each meal is important, it’s just as important to be mindful of the meal itself. Eating the right foods can prevent damage to your braces and boost your oral health.

Aim to eat softer foods that are gentle on your braces. Foods like cooked vegetables, soft fruits, and tender pieces of meat are all great choices. Also, cutting foods into smaller pieces can help protect your braces. 

You’ll want to avoid any foods that are too hard or sticky, as these can pull and push against your braces, leading to broken wires and brackets. Be careful around sugary and starchy foods, as these can increase the risk of plaque buildup. 

Remember, a braces-friendly diet isn’t just about protecting your braces. It’s also about making sure your teeth stay clean and healthy throughout your orthodontic treatment. 

Clean And Care For My Braces?

Crafting Bright Smiles at Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics

Looking after your braces the right way is super important for getting the best results. Our team at Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics is all about turning your dream smile into something real. Have any questions? Ready to get started? Give us a call, text or schedule your free consultation today. We’re here to guide you to a smile that’s not just beautiful but full of confidence!