Reasons to Get Orthodontic Treatment as an Adult

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. When you’re uncomfortable with how your teeth look, however, you might not share your smile with the world. Many adults feel insecure about crooked or misaligned teeth, keeping them from showing their happiness without covering their mouths – but the team at Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics wants to see you enjoying life with the confidence of a straight set of teeth! If this sounds like you, braces are your new best friend. 

There are so many reasons to get adult braces. From health benefits to affordability, there’s no better time than now to start treatment. Keep reading to learn all about adult orthodontics to find out if they’re right for you. 

Orthodontic Relapse

Did you forget to wear your retainer after braces treatment when you were a teenager? Although we strongly encourage the use of retainers for every patient as an integral part of your treatment plan, sometimes we find that our younger selves didn’t quite keep up with this piece of the puzzle as well as we should have. 

Many adults that come in for a consultation with Dr. Hamer or Dr. Glassick notice that their teeth have shifted since their teenage years. If you feel your teeth aren’t as straight as they used to be, don’t worry! Another round of treatment can give you the smile touch-up you need.

Health Benefits

It is no surprise to most that oral health is often viewed as the gateway to the health of other parts of your body, which is one of the main reasons getting orthodontic treatment as an adult has become so popular. Many health issues are linked to your tooth alignment, causing jaw pain, headaches, digestive issues, or even sleep apnea. Fortunately, applying an orthodontic treatment plan can help take care of these issues at the root.

For example, have you ever felt that clicking sensation in your jaw when you yawn or chew your food? You aren’t alone. The misalignment of your teeth and jaws that causes Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) can affect your ability to chew, swallow, and digest your food properly, leading to additional health issues down the road like acid reflux and headaches. By implementing an orthodontic treatment plan, you can find relief. 

In addition, the extra attention that you and Dr. Hamer or Dr. Glassick will pay to your teeth will keep them healthier over time, reducing the plaque buildup that can result in cavities, tooth decay, or even gum disease. 

You’re Not Alone

If you’ve ever Googled “When is it too late to get braces?” you probably learned two things: 1) it is never too late to get braces, and 2) you aren’t alone if you want to get started on treatment as an adult. In fact, one in every three orthodontic patients is over the age of eighteen, according to the American Association of Orthodontists. 

With so many reasons to get orthodontic treatment as an adult, this trend is just getting started. 

Confidence Boost

As an adult, it is all too easy to discount the simple things in life like a confident smile. However, the difference a straight grin can make in your personal and professional life is so impactful that you won’t want to push this item off your to-do list. 

Many brides and grooms-to-be find that getting braces while planning their dream wedding makes them feel more confident that their wedding day will be the happiest day of their lives. We hear stories about patients whose work lives have been more successful with the confidence boost their new smile gives them. There is even a psychological theory called the facial feedback hypothesis that tells us that smiling tricks your brain into being happier – so braces are a tried and true confidence booster on all fronts!

Affordable Treatment

At Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics, we believe that everyone deserves the power of a beautiful smile and that treatment fees shouldn’t hold you back. That’s why our mission is to provide excellent orthodontic treatment at reasonable prices. After evaluating your case, we’ll draw up a payment plan that works for you and your family. 

We accept most major insurance plans, and our team is always happy to help you with insurance forms so that you get the most out of your care plan. Check out the financial calculator on our website to get a monthly payment estimate!

Reasons to Get Orthodontic Treatment as an Adult

Modern Care

Maybe you know that getting orthodontic treatment will make you happier with your smile, but you’re worried about feeling self-conscious while the braces are on. We hear you. At Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics, we offer a wide range of discrete treatment options so that the path to a confident smile is paved with a process you can be confident in.


This removable treatment option uses a series of clear trays that adjust your teeth without wires or brackets. Because they are clear, this option allows you to straighten your teeth without attracting notice. By wearing these trays for 22 hours per day for 9-15 months, you’ll see results in no time. 

Metal Braces

Because metal braces are typically the most cost and time-effective option, many adults take this traditional route to a straighter smile. With this treatment method, Dr. Hamer or Dr. Glassick will secure brackets to your teeth using a special orthodontic glue. By tightening the connecting wires with gentle and steady pressure, your teeth will gradually shift in line. 

Clear Braces

Like metal braces, this treatment option uses a system of brackets and wires to straighten your teeth and is effective for patients with moderate to severe orthodontic issues. Instead of metal braces, clear braces use white ceramic brackets that match the color of your teeth, so your treatment is less noticeable.

Reasons to Get Orthodontic Treatment as an Adult

Making Virginia Smile for 60+ Years

Whether you’re an adult seeking treatment or a teen looking to get braces, Hamer & Glassick Orthodontics has you covered. With over 60 years of experience, our doctors understand that personalized care with a friendly touch is the best way to give our patients quality smiles in Charlottesville, Crozet, and Waynesboro. Schedule your free consult today!